Ahir va ser un dia de primera, sí senyor! pels volts de la 1 del migdia, la Cristina i jo ens disposavem a fer visita al sector de la riera de Mediona després d'haver fet el pertinent esmorzar, i ens vam trobar amb l'agradable 'sorpresa' de veure la piscina de sota la paret de Letzia i El Pallasso, a rebossar d'aigua neta; s'hi respirava una atmosfera poc habitual, pal·liada per l'aridesa habitual que presenta el terreny; molta vida. La única companyia de les granotes i alguna que altra sargantana, va resultar ser la mar de grata.
El cas és que el clímax de la jornada d'ahir el va protagonitzar la Cristina, escalant de primera i fins i tot muntant via, a les dues darreres de la paret de La Nerea; molta fluïdesa i moviments naturals, amb una seguretat en sí mateixa, francament sorprenent. Vaig estar-ne molt content, tant o més que ella. S'encetava així doncs, la nova etapa en que ja no seré jo l'únic que obri les vies, amb aquest tàndem castelldefelsoquintinenc tan singular.
El teló de fons de Mediona tenyit d'aigua i els seus matisos de vida, van resultar ser l'escenari ideal per propiciar aquella petita gran gesta; ens van passar les hores volant de la gustera, i jo francament no vaig fer gran cosa, tret d'escalar en primer lloc i a l'arribar, Nou Plaer, un 6b+ amb placa fina al darrer tram.
Ja per acabar, abans de marxar ens vam asseure al costat de l'aigua, sobre la pedra, amb el sol ponent tocant-nos la cara mentre gaudiem d'una plàcida i terapèutica remullada de peus on la roca era més calenta. Diví.
Podriem dir que aqui és on va acabar el dia.
Ja que avui ha estat plovent altra vegada, aprofitarem quan torni a clarejar per repetir estada i gaudir de l'aigua i l'escalada a Mediona!
Ah per cert! i a mode d'anècdota haig de fer menció a la visita que vam fer al sector de Subirats poc abans; vam anar a fer gana fent una de les primeres vies del sector El Triangle que seria un IV suposo, i finalment una via del Salt del Llop força exigent, que sortiria de sisè i escaig i que quasi trec a vista.. però en fi, haurem d'esperar a la propera.
miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013
viernes, 1 de marzo de 2013
My Project
Seems that I've found my most motivating project in La Llacuna, near from mediona, situated in a boulder zone over a camping.
I discovered this area one year ago, when a friend showed me the potential of that zone. Is basically a boulder area but there are too some short routes which at first I thought that had no any interest by me, but then I dicided to try and I felt in love with one in particular named "El Menorquí", bolted by Eduard R.
The first time I decided to try it, was with my girlfriend who resulted injured when I catched a bad piece of rock which felt over her left hand. Fortunatelly, he recieved low damage...
This route consists in a really vertical boulder with just 4 bolts in about 8 metters, and really small hands and some one and two finger pockets in the middle of the route. I consider that the grade could be perfectly about 7 grade in his style, basically of balance and adherence. For sure represents to me the most difficult and motivating project to climb by now, since "Tubo de Rayos Católicos" in the near school of Mediona. It is not the most inspiring line, it seems more like a boulder problem with a rope and easier topout, but one must admit that it is really exciting when you start to try it.
I've decided to train specifically for this route 'cause my feeling was that I would need it to realize the route with the most efficient mode.
For this reason, I train hard in Badger's Cave solving new lines, and trying new difficult routes in the schools I normally goes. For example, I must put the redpoint to the route named "Kornua" in sector 9, before to realize the ascent of "El Menorquí". Just another little challenge in the process of 'realization'.
Little dreams makes me bigger.
Hope I'll complete the route soon; fight and be happy & live to enjoy!!
I discovered this area one year ago, when a friend showed me the potential of that zone. Is basically a boulder area but there are too some short routes which at first I thought that had no any interest by me, but then I dicided to try and I felt in love with one in particular named "El Menorquí", bolted by Eduard R.
The first time I decided to try it, was with my girlfriend who resulted injured when I catched a bad piece of rock which felt over her left hand. Fortunatelly, he recieved low damage...
This route consists in a really vertical boulder with just 4 bolts in about 8 metters, and really small hands and some one and two finger pockets in the middle of the route. I consider that the grade could be perfectly about 7 grade in his style, basically of balance and adherence. For sure represents to me the most difficult and motivating project to climb by now, since "Tubo de Rayos Católicos" in the near school of Mediona. It is not the most inspiring line, it seems more like a boulder problem with a rope and easier topout, but one must admit that it is really exciting when you start to try it.
I've decided to train specifically for this route 'cause my feeling was that I would need it to realize the route with the most efficient mode.
For this reason, I train hard in Badger's Cave solving new lines, and trying new difficult routes in the schools I normally goes. For example, I must put the redpoint to the route named "Kornua" in sector 9, before to realize the ascent of "El Menorquí". Just another little challenge in the process of 'realization'.
Little dreams makes me bigger.
Hope I'll complete the route soon; fight and be happy & live to enjoy!!
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